Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Grasshopper says, follow the wisdom of ancient female trouble prevention, thus saving one's self much unecessary grief over many coming years ...

" Sin drains a man of his peace,
stregnth, and confidence."
- . J. Turner, Preacher,
Church of Christ Garden Grove Ca.

- Ancient Wisdom Of Female Trouble Prevention -

First of all, female trouble prevention
begins with one's self, the male. One

must ask : Who am I, where did I come
from, and where am I going ?

Become excellent, and then in his
time God will bring that special one
for you ! Respect the
opposite with decency.

Is it not the goal of men and women
to eventually have that one special
person for the rest of one's
life ?

- The single person without God -

There are plenty of fish in the sea, especially
when he can simply make thousands of female
friends on facebook simply by the click of the
mouse pad.

Become excellent; become the person inside
that God wants you to be by learning of Christ
and submitting to him. God will provide the
mate for you in his time. A man does not NEED a
woman, he only needs the creator FIRST.

Once a man becomes God's man by submitting
to his will, God provides his needs, contentment, peace,
and purpose. Only then is one ready to
have a truly
secure relationship with a woman.

If the male believes he is simply a glorified ape,
that is, a human that came by chance from a
cell which far into it's future became an ape and
then a human which has pleasure and then simly
dies and that's all, well, what is to prevent him from
acting like a callous animal ?

One may choose one road, but also another.
The key is choosing the proper road that leads
to harmony, peace, and joy with the
female gender. Choosing the improper leads
to despair, ruin, sexually trasmitted disease,
unwanted pregnancy and single parenthood caused
by wonton and selfish sexual pleasure without
thinking about the destructuive consequences.

Many men live for the sexual pleasure without
consideration of a woman's feelings.
God's word says, " ... fornicators
God will judge." Also, " The wages of sin are death."
and, " Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also
reap." One will reap in this life the wages of
unrepentant sin ( continuing to willfully sin ).
If he breaks hearts, his heart will eventually
be broken and he deserves it.

So how does one know the proper road ? By going on his
own and learning from years of making mistake after
mistake, or taking the advice of years of experience and
wisdom and thus avoiding unecessary despair and ruin ?
Listen to the wisdom and commandments of God the
Father and his Son Jesus Christ because they are right
and will save you from consequences of sin in this life
and he will give you eternal life.

God's word says, " For you oh' Lord will bless the
righteous, with favor you will surround him as with
a shield."

... and from first Thessalonians :

" In that day the Lord will come with his mighty
angels and with all whom have believed, taking fiery
vengeance on them that do not know God and that do
not obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall
suffer everlasting punishment from the presence of the Lord."

- The divorce rate in America, and where are
the real men in America ? -

Any wonder the divorce rate is so high in
America today, and rising? Note the
following viewpoint of AM 870 KRLA
radio talk host Roy Masters. It is this :

A great many of men are in prison today
because of how men reacted to women.
Because of the ' Women's Liberation Movement '
of the 70's, to a large degree today's American
woman seeks to take away God given authority
from the man in the relationship; the woman
engaging in competition for the man's place
and voice, seeking to stifle both.

In essence, the woman holds the man's
authority hostage, per say, for sex : " You can't
have sex unless you abdicate and give up to me.
Give into my way or it's the highway buddy on
the sex." The man gives in, becoming a whimp
in order to get his sex.

My note: Any wonder people say now and
then," Where are the men today ?